This piece was created as a tribute and memorial to my dearest sister and best friend, Eloise Schwab. She left March 19, 2014 to join her maker and those that came before her. While loved by all who knew her, no one shall miss her more than I.
Conception and Idea
A month had passed by since her death. The previous two months had been somber with rigorous travel schedules to include in the midst of the unfolding reality.
Returning home, sad and tired, it was time to get down to business, and get the taxes done. The aftermath usually includes going through and cleaning out the file box. Moving through the task, I happened to go through a file folder named Personal. In it, is material that gets stashed away because it is either neat stuff or may mean something some day.
Systematically reviewing each item in the folder, I came across two worn printed pages containing the text content of this letter. The pages were dated 1998 and the original was signed from Jean. There was no source of where they came from. Jean’s words were moving to say the least and I credit her for moving me to produce this piece.
It was no accident those pages were printed and filed that day so many years ago.
Technique and Production
Composite image was produced in Photoshop CS6. More to follow.