HTML5 is the Blueprint of the Future. What's new in HTML 5?


An open book depicting a content icon


Tools depicting an application icon


A red circle with a slash through it depicting deprecated/deleted elements

CSS 3 Modules

Additional New Features, Modules, Attributes, and Values

CSS 3's modularized specification, allows browser support for modules incrementally without having to perform major refactoring of their codebases. The modularization concept not only makes the process of approving individual CSS 3 modules easier and faster, but it also makes documenting the spec easier.

Some New CSS 3 Features Include:


  1. Border-color
  2. Border-image
  3. Border-radius
  4. Box-shadow


  1. Background-origin and
  2. Background-size
  3. Multiple backgrounds


  1. HSL colors
  2. HSLA colors
  3. Transformed from RGB to RGBA
         colors with “A” standing for opacity.
  4. Opacity
  5. Gradient


  1. Text-shadow
  2. Text-overflow
  3. Word-wrap

    User Interface

  1. Box-sizing
  2. Resize
  3. Outline
  4. nav-top, nav-right, nav-bottom, nav-left


CSS 3 introduces some new selectors. Using these selectors you can choose DOM elements based on their attributes. So you don't need to specify classes and IDs for every element. Instead, you can utilize the attribute field to style them. The most useful attributes for selectors are:

[attr^=val] — matches a DOM element with the attribute attr and a value starting with val
[attr$=val] — matches a DOM element with the attribute attr and a value ending with the suffix val
[attr*=val] — matches a DOM element with the attribute attr and a value containing the substring val


Basic Box Model

Overflow-x, overflow-y

Generated Content:  More detailed information can be found at
Media Queries:  More detailed information can be found at
Multi-Column Layouts:  More detailed information can be found at

  • Eliminates unnecessary divs and floats.
  • Browser specific properties are needed at this time.
  • Speech – More detailed information can be found at
  • More information on how all of these effects work can be found at

Using CSS 3 Transitions

CSS 3 enables simple animations and stylistic changes based on user interactivity, all within style rules, without the use of Javascript. Click here for a Demo.
At the time of this writing, Transitions is the least supported of the new CSS 3 modules. The new specification is recent and is still undergoing significant changes.
Support in varying degrees exists in most modern browsers with Safari and Chrome taking the lead.

    Current Browser Support

  • Firefox 4.0
  • Safari 4+
  • Opera 10.5+
  • Chrome 4+


Additional Resources

spacer image A pile of books stacked up and coming through a laptop computer.