I first became interested in web and graphic design in 2000. Since that time, I graduated from HCC which offered one of the first programs available in the Houston area. I earned a Certificate of Completion in Technical Communications Electronic Publishing. My specialization was web publishing.

Since that time I have published a number of web sites. As time marched on, I began to use CSS, using it primarily for styling text and creating custom borders. As new modern browsers become more and more web standards compliant, CSS design has moved itself into the arena of cutting edge. While it is more complex to learn than doing table layouts, it offers more flexibility in the realm of design and style.

Since I achieved my first certificate fall of 2002, I have continued my education by taking graphic design classes, advanced Photoshop and Flash classes. With these advanced skillsets in my tool box, I was able to successfully publish my first portfolio web site, all authored in Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10 and Flash MX. Actionscript 1.0 and 2.0 were used to program the necessary interactivity.  View My Site

Graphics Software

Throughout this period of time, I have relied on Photoshop, Fireworks, and Illustrator for creating graphics, both for print and the web. For several years my web graphics program of choice was Fireworks. It was a program I learned really well and became comfortable with. Ongoing was my intention to master Photoshop and Illustrator in both print and web graphics. No small task and a fun journey that continues with no end in sight.

In todays world, clients are requesting design comps that can be viewed and critiqued either via a web link or an email attachment which makes the PDF an important tool to master. Everyone involved saves time and resources.

At this point in time, the most basic question is: which product can produce the best work flow given the parameters of the current job, project or assignment.

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Software Experience Includes but is not limited to:

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©  2009  erock! design  Design & Layout by William E. Schwab  Photography & Graphics by William E. Schwab